Wednesday, April 6, 2011

So Instead of Dreaming about Blogging...

I'll bite the bullet and just write.  It sounds so incredibly simple.  Write.  But as my blogg experience moves from voyeur (hellllooooo: Rage Against The Minivan and but now to live the life) and occasional commenter to actual opinionated participant,  I can't help but relate this feeling of anxiety to walking up a high dive ladder and stepping onto the platform.

It seems like there are two groups of people.  Do'ers and those that wish they did'ers.  I long to be part of the do'ers in a confident and real way.  Right now, it feels exposed and fairly narsarscitic.

The problem is, I have so many things that travel through my mind in one sitting that I can't focus enough to pinpoint what it is that I want to write about.

Social Issues?
Faith Issues?
Human Trafficking?
My issues with iCarly?

I suppose I'll figure it out as I go along.  I'll just bring along band-aids for the bumps and bruises along the way.  I've had some practice writing thanks to letting me learn along the way.  Writing opinion pieces for them has been a growing experience - if not a blast of ice cold reality at the same time.    I've had to use a few of those band-aids on my ego as constructive criticisms and rejections came my way.  All good stuff, albeit humbling at the same time.

For now, I'll post what's current in our lives and the things that move through it.  So for right now, it's Spring Break 2011, it's cloudy and we're cozy inside.  I love my kids and having them near.  And I never make this realization until the cozy days are over (i.e. sleeping in past 6:20am).  My kids may wake up earlier than normal in order to garner the most of the their days off (hence the couch nappers).  But that doesn't mean mama has to.  Blessings in the smallest places.

Life as I  know it.  Living in the divide.

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